Hardware pre-requisites

Both the Server and the Modeler require the following minimum:

  • Processor 2 Ghz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)
  • 400 MB disk space

The server requires, at least, 4 GB of available memory. The modeler requires, at least, 1,5 GB of available memory.

The server and the database must be on the same machine (or on separate machines and a network latency lower than 1ms).


Software pre-requisites


The server requires:

  • Java Sun JDK version 7 development kit (Warning: JRE 7 will not enable the server to function).
  • One of these databases:
    • PostgreSQL 9.1.x or later
    • Oracle 10g
    • MySQL 5.6


SmartEA Viewer works with:

  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Internet Explorer 9 and later versions


SmartEA Modeler requires a virtual Java 1.7 machine (SUN JRE 7).

SmartEA Modeler 64-bit requires a virtual Java machine 64-bit.